Remote Control

TAKEAWAYS What is your office for today? This might have been a baffling and nonsensical question a decade ago, but it is a pretty reasonable one today. Working professionals are all familiar with the daily grind of struggling to get to the office, putting in a full day of work – interrupted by a feeding […]

Singapore Tax Cases (Part 1)

TAKEAWAYS As one of the main revenue sources for Singapore, Goods and Services Tax (GST) is closely scrutinised by the tax authorities. In the first part of a webinar organised by the Singapore Chartered Tax Professionals, Accredited Tax Advisor (Income Tax) & Accredited Tax Practitioner (GST) Allen Tan, Principal, and Jeremiah Soh, Senior Associate, Baker & […]

Addressing the Talent Drain Issue In The Accounting Sector

TAKEAWAYS Addressing the talent drain issue in Singapore’s accounting sector is a pressing matter. According to the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA)’s Audit Quality Indicators, for the 12-month period ended September 2022, the average attrition rates of Big Four and non-Big Four (in the listed companies segment) audit firms were 39% and 49% respectively. This […]

Central Provident Fund

TAKEAWAYS Americans have their Roth IRA. Brits have their pensions. Australia has its superannuation accounts. Singapore? We have CPF – the Central Provident Fund. A significant chunk of your life’s income will go to the CPF for the next few decades, so it’s imperative that you take the time to understand it. Here’s our take on some of […]

Strategic Planning and Balance Scorecard (Part 1)

TAKEAWAYS What does strategy mean for companies? Put simply, strategy is as much about making choices as it is about taking action to achieve long-term business goals. In practice, the process of formulating a strategy begins with decision-makers gaining a clear understanding of the current situation, envisioning what is possible, and devising a plan to […]

FRS 117 vs MAS’ Risk-Based Capital 2 (Part 5)

TAKEAWAYS In previous articles comparing FRS 117 Insurance Contracts (FRS 117) with Risk-Based Capital 2 (RBC 2), we have looked into considerations around the scoping, unit of account and measurement. In this article, our focus turns to addressing the measurement issues of an entity applying the premium allocation approach (PAA) under FRS 117. An entity is allowed […]

The future of Audit

TAKEAWAYS Gone is the image of a traditional auditor in a pinstripe suit with thick glasses, a thick briefcase, and an even thicker notebook. But while auditors may have substituted their notebook for a laptop, they must also invest in the right technology to replace dated processes and elevate audit quality in today’s complex business […]

Carbon Accounting and Credit Accounting

BY CHEN VOON HOE AND WONG TIEN CHI TAKEAWAYS As nations and businesses around the world commit to the race to net zero, stakeholders – including investors, customers and regulators – are compelling companies to measure, manage and report their greenhouse gas emissions. Coupled with the continuing development of the voluntary carbon market, companies in […]

Responding to Employees with Mental Health Conditions

TAKEAWAYS The 2016 Singapore Mental Health Study found that one in seven people in Singapore has experienced a mental illness in their lifetime, which is an increase from before. A survey done with more than 500 organisations revealed that at least 50% of them are hesitant to employ persons with mental health conditions, with the main reason […]

Keeping Fit To Stay Sharp

TAKEAWAYS Some sports – like golf, for instance – are inextricably linked with working professionals and offer all manner of business opportunities such as networking and deal making. But a day out on the green with colleagues and business partners can also be good for one’s mental health. In fact, research has established that staying […]