Workplace Wellness Facilities Get Top Priority

While it used to be only the bigger companies that offered a well-stocked pantry, recreation rooms and rest/chill areas, these days, even small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) want to offer such facilities, for the well-being and happiness of their employees. According to the SME Workspace Preferences Study of 800 SMEs by flexible workspace provider JustCo […]

Shipshape And Ready To Roll

Meet some of the 100 minds shaping ISCA’s future. Each staff, with his/her unique skills and perspectives, contributes to the collective effort. This series shares insights into some of the day-to-day happenings at ISCA House. Read on and stay tuned for more. “To all 18,000 members who’ve graced ISCA House over the last two years […]

Section 10L: Foreign To You?

TAKEAWAYS “For the purpose of Section 10L of the ITA, the tax residency of the lender will determine whether the loan is situated outside Singapore; how the loan is recognised in the borrower’s books is irrelevant. For example, if a loan is given by a company which is tax resident in a jurisdiction outside Singapore, […]

ISCA Lunch Talk On Cyber Hygiene

The ISCA Lunch Talk on June 19, titled “Making Cyber Hygiene Your Organisation’s Top Digital Priority”, reinforced the importance of building a firm foundation in cybersecurity, provided an overview of prevalent cybersecurity risks, and discussed the urgent need to implement robust cyber hygiene practices. The event, held at ISCA House, was conducted jointly by Alvin […]


TAKEAWAYS We accountants are big fans of lookup functions. Outside of accounting software, we handle and process financial data that move from one worksheet to another before finally appearing in financial reports. Lookup functions are crucial because they prevent the multiple entry of the same data, which boosts both accuracy and efficiency. But which lookup […]

The Future Of AI In Accounting

TAKEAWAYS In recent years, the accounting sector in Singapore and around the world has seen significant transformations largely driven by advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and automation technologies. As these tools become more integrated into accounting practices, they promise substantial changes in how accountants work and deliver value. While businesses are gradually integrating AI into […]

Indonesia: SEZs To Fuel Tech And HR Development

Special Economic Zones (SEZs) have proven to be a strong driver of regional and national economic development for Indonesia, according to a statement issued by the government on June 201. In the first quarter of 2024, around 20 SEZs recorded sterling achievements, including investments of IDR15.1 trillion (US$914.63 million), employment of 9,342 workers, and the […]

All About Qualifications

Meet some of the 100 minds shaping ISCA’s future. Each staff, with his/her unique skills and perspectives, contributes to the collective effort. This series shares insights into some of the day-to-day happenings at ISCA House. Read on and stay tuned for more. “It has been quite a journey, witnessing the evolution and development of the […]

Technical Highlights

AUDITING AND ASSURANCE ISCA Comments On IAASB’s Exposure Draft (ED): Proposed ISA 240 (Revised), The Auditor’s Responsibilities Relating To Fraud In An Audit Of Financial Statements ISCA provided comments on IAASB’s ED on proposed ISA 240 (Revised). One key revision is new requirements for the auditor to communicate key audit matters (KAMs) related to fraud […]

Your Dream Job May Not Exist, And That’s Okay

TAKEAWAYS For decades, the mantra “follow your passion” has been one of the most popular pieces of career advice. Ever since Steve Jobs famously told Stanford graduates back in 2005 to “find what you love”, university students have been nudged to pursue careers that align perfectly with their personal interests. But this approach can be […]