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Shipshape And Ready To Roll

Koh Wee Meng, Head of Events Management, ISCA

Meet some of the 100 minds shaping ISCA’s future. Each staff, with his/her unique skills and perspectives, contributes to the collective effort. This series shares insights into some of the day-to-day happenings at ISCA House. Read on and stay tuned for more.

“To all 18,000 members who’ve graced ISCA House over the last two years and participated in our myriad of events, I sincerely hope you found them enjoyable and enriching.

I am Wee Meng, Head of Events Management at ISCA. I started my ISCA journey as an events executive and gradually worked my way up to head the events team. In the past decade, there have been numerous changes, and it’s truly remarkable to see how the nature of ISCA’s events has evolved over time. From predominantly outsourcing our events to establishing our in-house events team, the transition has been nothing short of amazing.

Charity Golf Event and Dinner, 2023
ISCA Run 2023
Our hybrid ISCA AGM 2023, conducted simultaneously on-site and online

One of the key challenges faced by my department is the meticulous planning and execution required for events of varying scales. Whether orchestrating small networking sessions or grand conferences, including sports events like the ISCA Run, ISCA Charity Golf event, ISCA Games, and Inter-Professional Games, every one demands unwavering attention to detail, seamless coordination, and meticulous organisation across various fronts. Juggling multiple events concurrently while ensuring each one adheres to the high standards expected by our members truly pose a formidable challenge. 

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, all ISCA events were conducted in-person. The idea of running virtual events was quite unimaginable … then. But COVID demonstrated that virtual events are not only possible but equally effective and engaging, with the right tools.

ISCA Conference 2023

Previously, external events were often hampered by venue limitations or accessibility constraints. But, with the refurbishment of ISCA House, we now have the capacity to bring all events under one roof. Moreover, we can tailor event settings to our advantage, seamlessly transforming physical spaces into virtual environments. Enhanced synergy among departments, facilitated by our shared physical presence within ISCA House, further amplifies our ability to deliver exceptional experiences to our members. With just a simple shout-out, we can immediately galvanise our colleagues to help out and/or to interact with our members.

Every event is unique to me, and one of the challenges of my work (which is also what I love the most about my role) is anticipating and managing unforeseen circumstances that may arise during events. Whether they are technical glitches or last-minute incidents, we must think on our feet and find quick solutions to keep the event running smoothly. For example, when an accident occurred at one of our events, we responded swiftly. We tended to the victim and assessed that everything was fine and safe; we then contacted the next-of-kin and called for an ambulance. Although it was the first such incident for us, my team and I were totally able to manage the situation. In events management, we need to be able to anticipate potential hiccups, in order for us to respond appropriately to incidents arising.

Moreover, witnessing months of meticulous planning come to life as well-executed events can be an immensely gratifying experience. Our members have always been very generous with their feedback; their simple “great event” means a lot to the events team as it’s testimony that we have done a good job. We also appreciate our members’ numerous suggestions, and are glad that they’ve taken the time to share their thoughts with us.

Looking ahead, we aspire to engage more members through our events, as well as to establish our activities as the must-join events that members look forward to being a part of.”

In the upcoming article, meet Kacie Yang, who leads the charge in all things ISCAccountify - the subscription-based, e-learning platform for accounting and finance professionals.

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