Singapore Named Top Startup Ecosystem Hub In Asia 

Singapore climbed one spot to seventh, in the The Global Startup Ecosystem Report 2024 – the only startup ecosystem hub in Southeast Asia to make it into the global top 10 list, and ahead of the Asia ecosystem hubs of Beijing, Seoul, Tokyo and Shanghai. The report by StartupGenome, now in its 12th year, provides […]

Exposure Draft On ISA 240 (Revised)

TAKEAWAYS As one of the key gatekeepers of financial integrity, the auditor plays a pivotal role in the accuracy and reliability of financial statements. In an effort to clarify and enhance the role of auditors relating to fraud as a means of enhancing public trust in financial reporting, the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board […]

The Driving Force Leading ISCAccountify

Meet some of the 100 minds shaping ISCA’s future. Each staff, with his/her unique skills and perspectives, contributes to the collective effort. This series shares insights into some of the day-to-day happenings at ISCA House. Read on and stay tuned for more. “Hi, I’m Kacie, the Associate Director at ISCA Academy, although my colleagues fondly […]

Are Employees Afraid To Air Their Grievances?

TAKEAWAYS Despite having proper grievance-handling procedures and channels in place, employees may still hesitate to raise their concerns due to fear or perception of mistrust. Some may opt to remain silent even when facing unfair treatment or harassment at the workplace. If left unaddressed, these grievances can affect employee morale, productivity and ultimately, the company’s […]

Five Pillars Of Successful Digital Transformation

TAKEAWAYS Companies are expected to continue investing in digital transformation while facing increasing pressure to produce results, according to an EY-Parthenon Digital Investment Index (DII) survey of C-level executives from large companies around the world. They are also under mounting pressure to accelerate the launch of technology-enabled products and services and achieve efficiencies. Over 40% […]

Be Patient And Adaptable; Develop Relationships

TAKEAWAYS As the Chapter Chairperson of ISCA, I am deeply honoured and eager to share my experiences and insights. In this role, I represent not only our organisation but also the interests and voices of a broad community of accountancy professionals. As a professional accountant, my experience in conducting business overseas has enriched my career. […]

Workplace Wellness Facilities Get Top Priority

While it used to be only the bigger companies that offered a well-stocked pantry, recreation rooms and rest/chill areas, these days, even small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) want to offer such facilities, for the well-being and happiness of their employees. According to the SME Workspace Preferences Study of 800 SMEs by flexible workspace provider JustCo […]

Seize Your PSG Advantage With Confirmation

In today’s rapidly digitalising landscape for audit firms globally, Singapore stands out as a leading force driving transformative change. Embracing cutting-edge technologies, Singapore’s audit firms are setting new industry standards by transitioning to more efficient, technology-driven business practices. At the forefront of this shift are forward-thinking firms utilising Thomson Reuters Confirmation’s Accounts Receivables and Accounts […]

Shipshape And Ready To Roll

Meet some of the 100 minds shaping ISCA’s future. Each staff, with his/her unique skills and perspectives, contributes to the collective effort. This series shares insights into some of the day-to-day happenings at ISCA House. Read on and stay tuned for more. “To all 18,000 members who’ve graced ISCA House over the last two years […]