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Three Books To Inspire Change This International Women’s Day

Good Reads For Women – And Men

How Women Rise: Break The 12 Habits Holding You Back From Your Next Raise, Promotion, Or Job
By Sally Helgesen and Marshall Goldsmith

If you have ever felt that you made good progress early in your career but have now started to stall, this is the book for you.

Women tend to replicate the behaviours and practices that helped them be successful early in their careers, thinking those same practices will continue to prove useful. However, the truth is that we need to demonstrate different behaviours and change our practices as we gain seniority and our roles evolve.

As the saying goes: What got you here won’t get you there.

This book also specifically addresses the typical roadblocks that women face, which are unique compared to their male counterparts. The book not only helps you identify blind spots, it provides practical guidance on what you can do differently, to overcome these barriers.

Lean In: Women, Work, And The Will To Lead
By Sheryl Sandberg

An oldie but goodie. This book was published over 10 years ago but remains a relevant read. It addresses the age-old question of how to juggle everything as a working woman.

The author – a former Facebook COO, and philanthropist – draws on her own experiences when sharing practical insights. Her message is clear – women need to stop holding themselves back. At the same time, men need to play a more active role in supporting women both at the workplace and at home.

This book is therefore a recommended read for both women and men.

Dare To Lead: Brave Work. Tough Conversations. Whole Hearts.
By Brené Brown

This book is a good read for anyone hoping to have a positive impact at the workplace.

You do not need a team directly reporting to you to start learning to be a better leader. We can all benefit from learning to be more empathic, and to forge better connections at the workplace. However, it requires courage to unlearn unhelpful behaviours and to practise being better leaders.

The book assures us that all the skills required are attainable, as long as we are willing to make the change. After all, many of us spend most of our day at the workplace, so we should have a vested interest in creating a better environment.

All the books are available at NLB – in print, eBook and eAudiobook formats!

Tashna Rajah is Head of International Tax, Dyson.

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